Visit Ulysses Robert's index: A-C, D-H, I-P, Q-Z. This will allow you to find out which collections of the cabinet des titres contain a file on the family in question.
To access said collections:
A significant part of these volumes is digitized on Gallica, but not all are. An icon to the left of the volume indicates whether it is accessible on Gallica or not.
To integrate internal links to people or places in the content, there are pseudo-tags. It is advised to use these instead of the classic HTML tags <a href=""></a>. Indeed, these links based on the use of identifiers will be simpler and not sensitive to a URL change due to a name change.
These tags can be inserted in notes (editing of person, couple, place) as well as in the details of occupations (editing of person).
There are three pseudo-tags:
The identifier is found in the target's URL. Be precise on the syntax indicated above: no unnecessary spaces, no quotes around the identifier as on classic tags.
Besides the portrait, signature, and coat of arms of a person, which are managed in the file editing form, how can other images be added to this file? There are two possibilities in this case:
These two methods for adding images to an individual's file are also applicable to the file of a place defined within a municipality (for example, a castle or a church). Indeed, a photo from an album can be linked to a place, just as the note of the place's file can be edited.
For what it's worth, let's also remember that every image deserves to be captioned, and that it is important to respect rights (copyright and the right to one's image).
We will take the example with a YouTube video, but it's applicable with other platforms as well.
On YouTube, below the video, click on “Share”, then “Embed”. Copy the code <iframe>...</iframe>
Then go to the file (individual or place) where you wish to embed the video. It will not work if you directly copy the code <iframe>...</iframe> into the text editor, as it would be considered as text and not as code to execute. Instead, you need to click in the editor on “Tools”, then “Source code”. And there you can insert the code.
Example of integration on the file of Mr. d'Artagnan.