Last Name "Crofft"


1 — Frances Mary (1817 - 1869) ✕ (1840) Alphonse Sentis (1810 - 1856), tailleur

2 — Francis, marchand en gros ✕ Mary Grossmith


1 — Private ✕ Private

2 — Anne (c. 1466 - 1507) ✕ Thomas Blount (1456 - 1524)

3 — Charlotte ElizabethEdward Grey (1782 - 1837)

4 — Edward (1465 - 1541) ✕ Joyce Skull

5 — Private ✕ Private

6 — Richard (1429 - 1509) ✕ Eleanor Cornewall (1430 - 1519)

Croft de Moura

1 — Private ✕ Private


1 — Dorothea (1588 - 1659) ✕ (1615) John Bennet (c. 1589 - 1658)

2 — John (1563 - 1628) ✕ Mary Shirley ( - 1649)

3 — Mary (1651 - 1693) ✕ (1670) William Sarsfield ( - 1675)

4 — Thomas (1540 - 1612), sheriff of Suffolk ✕ Susan Poley (1543 - 1603)

5 — William (c. 1611 - 1677), Baron Crofts of Saxham ✕ Elizabeth Spencer (1617 - 1672)

Vaz Guedes Croft de Moura

1 — Private

2 — Private

3 — Private