Gordon (de)
Gordon (de)
Gordon (de)
Gordon Brendon
Gordon (de)
Gordon de Boulogne (de)
Gordon de Boulogne (de)
Exbrayat de Creaux de Pralas de Rozières de Gordon
Gordon (von)
Gordon Clark
1 — Cosmo Lewis (1812 - 1876) ✕ Anna Maria Antrobus (c. 1836 - 1898)
Duff- Gordon
1 — Jane (1776 - 1862) ✕ Hugh Primrose Lindsay (1765 - 1844)
1 — Sir Alexander Cornewall (1811 - 1872)
2 — Sir Cosmo Edmund (1862 - 1931), Baronet Duff of Halkin, deputy lieutenant ✕ Lucy Christiana Sutherland, alias Lucille (1863 - 1935), fashion designer
3 — Sir William (1772 - 1823), Baronet Duff of Halkin, member of parliament for Worcester ✕ Caroline Cornewall
Exbrayat de Creaux de Pralas de Rozières de Gordon
1 — Valentine (Pauline Augustine Marie Charlotte Valentine) (1850 - 1896) ✕ (1877) Paul Henri Marie de Bodin de Galembert (1851 - 1931), chef de bureau au ministère de l'Instruction publique et des Cultes
1 — Adam
2 — Adam (c. 1630 - ) ✕ Jeanne Mussard (1632 - 1711)
3 — Agnes ✕ James Ogilvy
4 — Alastair (1920 - 2002), Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair ✕ Private
5 — Alexander ✕ Janet Grant
6 — Alexander ✕ Janet Kennedy
7 — Alexander, Earl of Huntly ✕ (1474) Joanna Stewart (c. 1463 - 1510)
8 — Alexander ( - 1529) ✕ (1520) Janet Stewart (1515 - 1580)
9 — Alexander (1786 - 1815), officier de l'armée britannique
10 — Alexander (1716 - 1760), Lord of Gight ✕ Margaret Duff (1720 - 1801)
11 — Alexander (1743 - 1827), colonel, gardien ✕ (1767) Jane Maxwell (1748 - 1812)
12 — Alexander (1678 - 1728), Duke of Gordon ✕ (1706) Henrietta Mordaunt (Lady Henrietta) (1682 - 1760)
13 — Alexander (1739 - 1792), Lord Rockville, sheriff of Kirkcudbright ✕ Anne Duff (1738 - 1811)
14 — Private ✕ Private
15 — Alexander Seton, Earl of Huntly ✕ Jane Cumming
16 — Private
17 — Alice (1787 - 1847), dame de compagnie de la princesse sophie de gloucester
18 — Ann ✕ Robert Dundas (1685 - 1753), Lord Arniston, member of parliament, président of the Court of Session
19 — Ann (1675 - 1708) ✕ Alexander Montgommerie (c. 1660 - 1729), Earl of Eglinton, privy counsellor, pair d'Écosse
20 — Ann (1811 - 1879) ✕ Benjamin Henry Hutton (1808 - 1884)
21 — Private
22 — Anne ( - 1656) ✕ (1639) James Drummond (1615 - 1675), Earl of Perth
23 — Anne (1820 - 1889) ✕ (1871) Klemens von Korff genannt Schmising-Kerssenbrock (1806 - 1880)
24 — Anne (1590 - 1674) ✕ (1607) James Stewart (1581 - 1638)
25 — Anne (Evelyn Anne) (1897 - 1947) ✕ (1921) Géraud de Crussol d'Uzès (Géraud François Paul Marie) (1897 - 1929), duc de Crussol
26 — Ann Lawrence Mary ( - 1930) ✕ (1880) Frederick William Heneage (1843 - 1881)
27 — Private ✕ Private
28 — Private ✕ Private
29 — Private ✕ Private
30 — Beatrice Mary (1875 - 1959) ✕ (1900) Francis Henry Meade (1870 - 1953)
31 — Beatrix ✕ Adam Duff of Clunybeg (1659 - 1674)
32 — Bettie (1873 - 1936) ✕ (1900) Samuel Rosen (1868 - 1932)
33 — Catherine ✕ Francis Wemyss-Charteris, Earl of Wemyss
34 — Catherine ✕ Vincent de Varènes
35 — Catherine ✕ Private
36 — Catherine (1765 - 1811) ✕ (1785) John Byron, alias Mad Jack (1756 - 1791), captain of the Coldstream Guards
37 — Catherine (Lady Catherine) (1718 - 1779) ✕ (1741) Cosmo George Gordon (1720 - 1752)
38 — Charles (1669 - 1702)
39 — Charles (1670 - 1702) ✕ Lady Elizabeth Lyon (1642 - )
40 — Charles (1790 - 1835), soldat
41 — Charles (1726 - 1794), Earl of Aboyne ✕ (1759) Lady Margaret Stewart (c. 1739 - 1762)
42 — Charles (1792 - 1863), Marquess of Huntly, member of parliament for East Grinstead ✕ Marie-Antoinette Pegus
43 — Private
44 — Charles Edward (1774 - 1850), Laird of Wardhouse ✕ Charlotte Boyd
45 — Private
46 — Charlotte (Charlotte) (1768 - 1842) ✕ (1789) Charles Lennox (Charles François) (1764 - 1819), Duke of Richmond, général
47 — Christian ✕ William Forbes, Lord Forbes
48 — Christina ✕ Sir Adam Gordon (1580 - 1629), Laird of Park
49 — Cosmo George (1720 - 1752) ✕ (1741) Catherine Gordon (Lady Catherine) (1718 - 1779)
50 — Private ✕ Adair Wigan (1916 - 1993)
51 — Edward (1784 - 1833) ✕ (1830) Anne Mathilda de Seguin de Piégon (1805 - 1868)
52 — Elisa ✕ (1829) Frédéric Auguste de Fauque de Jonquières (1786 - bef. 1873)
53 — Elizabeth ✕ William Douglas, Baron of Drumlanrig
54 — Elizabeth ✕ John Kennedy, Lord Kennedy
55 — Elizabeth ✕ William Keith, Earl Marischal
56 — Elizabeth ✕ Alexander Seton
57 — Elizabeth ( - 1616) ✕ (1611) Alexander Livingstone ( - bef. 1648)
58 — Elizabeth (1510 - ) ✕ John Gordon (1519 - ), Laird of Cairnbarrow
59 — Elizabeth ( - 1803) ✕ (1757) James Wemyss (1726 - 1786)
60 — Elizabeth ( - 1557) ✕ John Stewart ( - 1579), grand chancelier
61 — Fanny ✕ Santiago Anatole Marie Denis de Keredern de Trobriand (1844 - 1875), officier de marine
62 — Private
63 — Francis
64 — Geoerge (1637 - 1720), Earl of Aberdeen, lord high chancellor of Scotland ✕ (1671) Anne Lockhart ( - 1707)
65 — Private ✕ Private
66 — George, Lord of Gight ✕ Elizabeth Ogilvy
67 — George, Earl of Huntly ✕ (1459) Annabella Stewart (1435 - ) ✕ Elizabeth Hay
68 — George, Lord of Gight ✕ Elizabeth Urquhart
69 — George, Lord of Gight ✕ N N
70 — George (1722 - 1801) ✕ (1759) Catherine Hanson (c. 1730 - 1817)
71 — George (1764 - 1791) ✕ (1782) Charlotte Baird ( - 1795)
72 — George (1563 - 1636), capitaine lieutenant de la compagnie écossaise de la gendarmerie de france ✕ (1588) Henrietta Stewart (1573 - 1642)
73 — George (1741 - 1779), Lord of Gight ✕ Catherine Innes ( - 1783)
74 — George (1761 - 1853), Marquess of Huntly ✕ Catherine Cope
75 — George (1649 - 1716), Duke of Gordon ✕ (1676) Elizabeth Howard (Elizabeth) (1658 - 1732)
76 — George (1592 - 1649), Marquess of Huntly, capitaine ✕ (1607) Anne Campbell (1594 - 1638)
77 — Georgina (1781 - 1853) ✕ (1803) John Russell (1766 - 1839), Duke of Bedford
78 — Georgina (1848 - 1876) ✕ (1873) Alphonse Vilain XIIII (Alphonse Marie Ernest Ghislain) (1844 - 1916)
79 — Private ✕ Private
80 — Grisel ✕ (1600) Alexander Stewart (1580 - ), Earl of Galloway
81 — Helena (1883 - 1888)
82 — Private
83 — Isobel ✕ William Hay, Earl of Erroll
84 — Private
85 — James (1500 - 1547) ✕ (1520) Margaret Crichton (c. 1502 - )
86 — James (1565 - 1630) ✕ Rebecca Keith (1550 - 1610)
87 — Private ✕ Bernadette Houle (1919 - 1998)
88 — Jane ✕ (1506) Colin Campbell, Earl of Argyll
89 — Private ✕ Private
90 — Janet ✕ James Ogilvy
91 — Janet (1442 - 1473) ✕ Sir James Innes (1440 - 1491), Laird of that Ilk
92 — Janet (1528 - 1577) ✕ William Cunningham (c. 1532 - 1580), Earl of Glencairn
93 — Jean ✕ (1681) William Duff, alias of Dipple and Braco (1653 - 1722)
94 — Jean (1546 - 1629) ✕ (1566) James Hepburn (1534 - 1578), comte de Bothwell
95 — John ✕ Jane Stewart
96 — John ✕ Janet Ogilvie
97 — John
98 — John ✕ Elizabeth Maxwell
99 — John ( - 1900) ✕ (1875) Harriet Mary Coote (1831 - 1927)
100 — John ( - c. 1517) ✕ Margaret Stewart (1497 - )
101 — John (1519 - ), Laird of Cairnbarrow ✕ Elizabeth Gordon (1510 - )
102 — John (1792 - 1869), amiral
103 — John, alias of Edinglassie (c. 1555 - 1583) ✕ N N
104 — John (1525 - 1567), Earl of Sutherland ✕ (1549) Helen Stewart (c. 1521 - bef. 1564)
105 — John (c. 1702 - 1732), Earl of Aboyne ✕ (1724) Grace Lockhart (1705 - 1738)
106 — John (1774 - 1850), Laird of Wardhouse, vice-consul ✕ Marie Beigbeder (1783 - 1840)
107 — Private
108 — John (Sir John) (1610 - 1644) ✕ (1630) Mary Forbes (1613 - 1644)
109 — Jones ✕ Private
110 — Katherine (1635 - 1691), dame de compagnie de Marie-Louise de Gonzague ✕ (1659) Jan Andrzej Morsztyn, alias Jean-André de Morstein (1621 - 1693), chevalier, marquis d'Arc-en-Barrois, grand trésorier de la Couronne de Pologne
111 — Lady Anne ✕ William Gordon (1679 - 1746), Earl of Aberdeen, member of parliament
112 — Lady Margaret Ethel ✕ (1881) George Ormsby-Gore (Ralph Charles) (1855 - 1938), Baron Harlech, member of parliament for Oswestry, lord-lieutenant of Merionethshire
113 — Laurence
114 — Lewis (c. 1626 - 1653), Marquess of Huntly ✕ (1644) Mary Grant (1624 - 1707)
115 — Lindsay ✕ Private
116 — Louisa (1776 - 1850) ✕ (1797) Charles Cornwallis (1774 - 1823)
117 — Private ✕ Private
118 — Margaret ✕ John Duff of Muldavit (c. 1545 - 1593)
119 — Margaret ✕ (1490) Patrick Hepburn ( - 1508), Earl of Bothwell
120 — Margaret ✕ William Douglas ( - bef. 1578)
121 — Margaret ( - 1853) ✕ (1802) Sir Coutts Trotter ( - 1837), Baronet of Westville, banker
122 — Margaret (c. 1762 - 1786) ✕ (1783) William Beckford (1759 - 1844)
123 — Private ✕ Private
124 — Margaret Evelyn (1875 - 1964) ✕ (1905) Arthur Lyulph Stanley (1875 - 1931)
125 — Maria Ludwika (1888 - 1964) ✕ (1913) Eugeniusz Perczyński (1890 - 1941)
126 — Marjory ✕ Thomas Lumsden
127 — Private ✕ Private
128 — Mary ✕ William Sinclair
129 — Mary, Lady of Gight ✕ Alexander Davidson ( - 1716)
130 — Private ✕ Private
131 — Mary Elmore (1852 - 1904) ✕ Lewis B Thurber (1849 - 1899)
132 — Mary Pilar Elizabeth (1914 - 1989) ✕ (1937) Archibald Hope (1912 - 1987)
133 — Mikołaj (1859 - 1924) ✕ (1882) Maria Antonina Warszawska (1862 - )
134 — N ✕ Luisa Leocadia de La Valade du Repaire de Truffin (1819 - )
135 — Private
136 — Private
137 — Private
138 — Robert (1791 - 1847), diplomate
139 — Private
140 — Sarah Elizabeth Catherine (1827 - 1901) ✕ (1845) Augustus Fitzclarence (1805 - 1854)
141 — Sir Adam (1580 - 1629), Laird of Park ✕ Christina Gordon
142 — Sir Alexander (1488 - ), Laird of Buckie ✕ Isabella Drummond (c. 1490 - )
143 — Sir John (c. 1600 - 1672), Laird of Park ✕ Mary Sibbald ( - 1672)
144 — Stefania (1886 - 1887)
145 — Susan (1774 - 1828) ✕ (1793) William Montagu (1771 - 1843), Duke of Manchester
146 — William ✕ Anne Marie Abeille (1771 - )
147 — William (1592 - ) ✕ Christian Walker (1595 - 1650)
148 — William (1784 - 1858)
149 — William (1620 - 1695) ✕ Margaret Learmont (1625 - )
150 — William (1679 - 1746), Earl of Aberdeen, member of parliament ✕ (1716) Susan Murray (Lady Anna Susan) (1699 - 1725) ✕ Lady Anne Gordon
Gordon (de)
1 — Antoinette ✕ Pierre de Suffise
2 — Armand ✕ Louise de Largier
3 — Claude ✕ (1620) Louise de Barjac
4 — Hermeline (c. 1360 - 1437), demoiselle ✕ (1389) Antoine II de Villeneuve (c. 1356 - 1407), baron de Barrême, viguier de Draguignan, commandant de Cannes, des Lérins et de Mongins
5 — Marie Anne ( - aft. 1750) ✕ Jean Philippe de Schauenburg (1717 - aft. 1750)
Gordon (von)
1 — Edmund (1901 - 1986) ✕ (1943) Marie zu Stolberg-Wernigerode (Marie Antonia) (1909 - 2003)
1 — Josefa (1810 - 1891) ✕ Francisco Ponce de Léon y Villavicencio (1806 - 1887), marqués Castillo del Valle
Gordon Brendon
1 — Private ✕ Xavier Droulers (Xavier Vincent Pierre) (1920 - 1949)
Gordon Clark
1 — Rose (Rose Mary) (1902 - 1997) ✕ (1922) Henri de Martin du Tyrac de Marcellus (Henri Marie Pierre) (1891 - 1974), planteur d'orangers en Californie
1 — Private ✕ Private
2 — Private
3 — William Gordon (1928 - 2002) ✕ Private ✕ (1972) Pauline Anne Ogilvie-Grant (1944 - 2010)
Gordon de Boulogne (de)
1 — Dominique (Charles Dominique) (1705 - 1786) ✕ (1753) Marie-Magdeleine Chevalier du Coudray (1730 - 1788)
2 — Gabriel (c. 1636 - 1736), capitaine de grenadiers au régiment de La Tourette ✕ (1677) Marie du Serre (c. 1661 - 1716)
3 — Marie Anne (1696 - 1724) ✕ (1720) Antoine du Trémolet de La Cheysserie (1681 - ), écuyer, seigneur de Craux
4 — Maurice (1685 - ), capitaine de dragons au régiment de Lautrec ✕ (1726) Marie Anne Rose de Bouchon ( - 1737)
5 — Mélanie (Catherine Mélanie) (1758 - 1793) ✕ (1783) Louis François de Payen de l'Hôtel de Lagarde (1761 - 1837), baron de Lagarde, officier au régiment de Rohan-Soubise
6 — Thérèse (1730 - 1793) ✕ (1758) Jean Antoine de Payen de l'Hôtel de Lagarde (1718 - 1787), baron de Lagarde, capitaine au régiment de Dragons-Dauphin
Gordon de Glenkennes
2 — Jeanne ✕ Jean Stutt de Laggan
1 — Private ✕ Hersey Ellen Baird (1916 - 2001)
2 — Private
3 — Private
1 — Private ✕ John William Boyle (1916 - 2003), Earl of Cork
1 — Private
2 — Alexander Henry Charles (1911 - 1987), président ✕ Private
3 — Algernon Charles (1847 - 1921), colonel, aide de camp ✕ (1886) Blanche Maynard (1864 - 1945)
4 — Amy Gwendoline (1894 - 1975) ✕ (1917) James Stuart Coats (1894 - 1966), lieutenant
5 — Augusta (Augusta Catherine) (1827 - 1904) ✕ (1851) Eduard von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach (Wilhelm August Eduard) (1823 - 1902), colonel
6 — Bernard Charles (1878 - 1914), major ✕ (1907) Evelyn Loch (1876 - 1944)
7 — Caroline (1844 - 1934)
8 — Caroline (Caroline Amelia) (1819 - 1890) ✕ (1849) John George Brabazon Ponsonby (1809 - 1880), Earl of Bessborough, membre du Parlement
9 — Cecilia (Cécilia Catherine) (1838 - 1910) ✕ (1859) Charles Bingham (Charles George) (1830 - 1914), lieutenant-colonel dans les coldstream guards, pair d'Irlande
10 — Charles (Charles Henry) (1818 - 1903), Duke of Richmond, lord president of the Council, president of the Board of Trade ✕ (1843) Frances Harriett Greville (1824 - 1887)
11 — Charles Henry (1895 - 1895)
12 — Charles Henry (1870 - 1935), major, lieutenant ✕ (1893) Hilda Madeline Brassey (1872 - 1971)
13 — Charles Henry (1899 - 1919), lieutenant
14 — Charles Henry (1845 - 1928), Duke of Richmond, member of parliament, lord-lieutenant of Morayshire and Banffshire ✕ (1868) Amy Mary Ricardo (1847 - 1879) ✕ (1882) Isabel Sophia Craven (1863 - 1887)
15 — Private
16 — Cosmo Charles (1869 - 1921) ✕ Marie Susan Etherington
17 — Doris Hilda (1896 - 1980) ✕ (1923) Clare George Vyner (1894 - 1989), commandant
18 — Esmé Charles (1875 - 1949), colonel, brigadier ✕ (1909) Hermione Frances Caroline Fellowes (1886 - 1972)
19 — Evelyn Amy (1872 - 1922) ✕ (1896) John Richard Geers Cotterell (1866 - 1937), capitaine, lieutenant
20 — Florence (1851 - 1895)
21 — Francis Charles (1849 - 1886), capitaine
22 — Frederick Charles (1904 - 1989), lieutenant ✕ (1927) Elizabeth Grace Hudson (1900 - 1992)
23 — Private ✕ Private
24 — George Charles (1908 - 1988), lieutenant général, page ✕ Private
25 — Helen Magdalen (1886 - 1965), aide de camp ✕ (1911) Alan Ian Percy (1880 - 1930), chancelier
26 — Private ✕ Private
27 — Private ✕ Private
28 — Ivy (1887 - 1982), demoiselle d'honneur ✕ (1915) William Arthur Henry Cavendish-Bentinck (1893 - 1977), lieutenant, juge de paix
29 — Private
30 — Private
31 — Muriel (Muriel Beatrice) (1884 - 1969) ✕ (1904) William Beckwith (William Malebisse) (1877 - 1954)
32 — Private ✕ Private
33 — Reginald Arthur Charles (1910 - 1965), capitaine ✕ (1942) Pamela Cicely Leyland (1917 - 1997)
34 — Private
35 — Victor (Victor Charles Hugh) (1897 - 1968), capitaine dans les grenadier guards, journaliste au daily mail ✕ (1923) Anne Dorothy Browne ( - 1963) ✕ Private ✕ Private
36 — Violet Mary (1874 - 1946) ✕ (1894) Henry Leonard Campbell Brassey d'Apethorpe (1870 - 1958), major, député
37 — Walter Charles (1865 - 1922), trésorier de la maison royale, conseiller particulier ✕ (1889) Alice Ogilvie-Grant (Alice Elizabeth) (1856 - 1946)
1 — Private ✕ Thibaut de La Marche (Thibaut Louis Denis Humbert Denis), alias Thibaut d'Orléans (1948 - 1983), comte de La Marche, marchand d'art
Hamilton Gordon
1 — George (1784 - 1860), homme politique, diplomate
1 — Mary (1844 - 1914) ✕ (1863) Walter Hugh Hepburne-Scott (1838 - 1920), Lord Polwarth
Ponce de Léon y Gordon
1 — Juan Manuel (1835 - 1894), marqués Castillo del Valle
2 — María (1841 - ), señora Puerto ✕ Miguel Giles de Carrizosa (1850 - ), hidalgo
1 — Private ✕ Private
2 — Private
3 — Private
4 — Private