1 — Diana (c. 1648 - 1719) ✕ (1673) Aubrey de Vere (1627 - 1703), Earl of Oxford, privy counsellor, justice in eyre ✕ Henry Sydney (1641 - 1704), Earl of Romney, master-general of the Ordnance, secretary of State for the Northern Department
2 — Éléonore ✕ William Codrington (1739 - 1816)
3 — George (c. 1600 - 1675), groom of the Bedchamber to Charles I and Keeper of Whitehall Palace ✕ (1627) Anne Killigrew (1607 - 1641), lady-in-waiting and dresser to Queen Henrietta Maria ✕ (1646) Mary Townshend (c. 1626 - 1701)
4 — Mary ✕ Pierre Esprit Radisson (c. 1636 - 1710)
5 — Mary (c. 1730 - ) ✕ (1751) William Egerton (c. 1725 - 1783), lieutenant
6 — Mary (c. 1649 - 1718), maid of honour to Mary of Modena duchess of York ✕ (1677) Thomas Vernon (c. 1626 - 1683), Baronet Vernon, teller of the Receipt of the Exchequer ✕ James Scott, alias James Crofts (1649 - 1685), Duke of Monmouth, commander-in-chief of the Forces, master of the Horse ✕ James Stuart, alias James II of England (1633 - 1701), King of England ✕ John Sheffield, alias Lord Mulgrave (1647 - 1721), Duke of Buckingham and Normanby, lord president of the Council, lord Privy Seal