Last Name "Le Vavasour"

Le Vavasour

1 — Maud (1176 - ) ✕ Théobald de Clare (c. 1160 - 1206)


1 — Private

2 — AndrewNe N

3 — Angela

4 — Private ✕ Private

5 — Angela Mary Clara (1900 - 1900)

6 — Ann, lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth I ✕ Edward de Vere (1550 - 1604), Earl of Oxford ✕ Henry Lee ( - 1611) ✕ (1618) John RichardsonJohn Finch

7 — Private

8 — Bede Joseph (1922 - 1942)

9 — Private

10 — Private

11 — Private

12 — Private

13 — Cecilia Monica Mary (1884 - )

14 — Private ✕ Private

15 — Private

16 — Private ✕ Private ✕ Private

17 — Private

18 — Constantia Mary Josephine (1881 - 1953)

19 — Private

20 — Private ✕ Private

21 — Edith Mary Gertrude (1882 - 1955)

22 — Private

23 — Edward James Marmaduke (1886 - 1957)

24 — Edward Joseph Everard

25 — Private ✕ Private

26 — Elizabeth Mary Veronica (1897 - )

27 — Private

28 — Private ✕ Private

29 — Private

30 — Private

31 — Private

32 — Private

33 — Private

34 — George Francis Aloysius (1890 - 1897)

35 — George Marmaduke (1891 - 1918)

36 — George Raphael Tobias (1898 - 1899)

37 — Gerard Aloysius (1904 - 1983) ✕ (1930) Lilian Frances Campbell ( - 1997)

38 — Private ✕ Ne N

39 — Private

40 — HenryMargaret Knyvett (1537 - )

41 — Henry Dunstan (1850 - 1927) ✕ (1887) Bertha Eleanor Mary Redwood ( - 1959)

42 — Private ✕ Rosamond Mary Riddiford ( - 1973)

43 — Hubert Philip Anthony (1895 - 1963)

44 — Private ✕ Ne N

45 — Hugh (1918 - 1989) ✕ (1950) Monique Beck ( - 1982)

46 — Private

47 — Private ✕ Private

48 — John (1891 - 1955) ✕ Private

49 — Private

50 — Jonathan

51 — Private

52 — Private

53 — Private

54 — Private

55 — Lucy Mary Gwendoline (1893 - 1967)

56 — Private

57 — Private

58 — Private

59 — Private

60 — Murray Gilbert (1938 - 1941)

61 — ? N

62 — Ne

63 — Private

64 — Oswald Hugh Stanislaus ✕ (1877) Sarah Anne Smith ( - 1937)

65 — Oswald Joseph Stanislaus (1883 - 1973) ✕ (1915) Mary Dorothy Moore ( - 1952)

66 — Private ✕ Pauline Mary Cable (1927 - 2015)

67 — Private ✕ Anna Caroline Gould ( - 1985)

68 — Peter Francis (1931 - 1932)

69 — Private ✕ Private

70 — Private ✕ Ne N

71 — Private

72 — Private

73 — Private

74 — Private

75 — Private ✕ Private

76 — Private

77 — Private

78 — William Edward Joseph (1846 - 1915), Baronet Vavasour ✕ (1870) Mary Teresa Weld ( - 1927)

79 — William Joseph (1822 - 1860) ✕ Mary Constantia Clifford ( - 1898)

80 — Winifred Mary Lucy (1888 - 1964)

81 — Private