Last Name "de Cravent"

Cravans (de)

1 — Alix, dame d'Orignac

2 — RobertAlix Aymerin


1 — Augustus (1806 - 1884), attaché d'ambassade ✕ (1834) Pauline Ferron de La Ferronnays (Pauline Marie Armande Aglaé) (1808 - 1891), femme de lettres

2 — Augustus William (1858 - 1929), lieutenant dans la royal berkshire militia ✕ (1880) Florence Champagne Cotton ( - 1899)

3 — Beatrix (1844 - 1907) ✕ (1865) George Cadogan (1840 - 1915)

4 — Elizabeth Ellen ( - 1914) ✕ (1870) Henry Cyril Percy Graves (1847 - 1914)

5 — Emily (1846 - 1932) ✕ Victor William Bates Van de Weyer (1839 - 1915)

6 — Evelyn (1839 - 1924) ✕ (1869) Henry Amelius Beauclerk Coventry (1842 - 1885)

7 — George Augustus (1810 - 1836) ✕ (1833) Georgina Smythe (1814 - 1867)

8 — Isabel Sophia (1863 - 1887) ✕ (1882) Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox (1845 - 1928), Duke of Richmond, member of parliament, lord-lieutenant of Morayshire and Banffshire

9 — John (1610 - ), Baron Craven of Ryton, member of parliament ✕ (1634) Elizabeth Spencer (1617 - 1672)

10 — Louisa (Louisa Elizabeth Frederica) (1815 - 1858) ✕ (1844) Alexander Haldane Oswald (1811 - 1868)

11 — Private ✕ Joseph de Ghaisne de Bourmont (1913 - 1986)

12 — Muriel Ethel ( - 1986) ✕ (1928) Arthur Beauclerk Coventry (1900 - 1971)

13 — Violet Mary Charles (1893 - ) ✕ Gustave Gaillard de Laubenque (1866 - 1951)

14 — William (1738 - 1791), Baron Craven ✕ (1767) Elizabeth Berkeley (1750 - 1828)

15 — William (1770 - 1825), Earl of Craven ✕ (1807) Louisa Brunton (1782 - 1860), comédienne ✕ Harriette Dubochet, alias Harriette Wilson (1786 - 1845), courtisane, mémorialiste

16 — William (1809 - 1866), Earl of Craven, lord-lieutenant of Warwickshire ✕ (1835) Emily Mary Grimston (1815 - 1901)

17 — William George (1835 - 1906) ✕ (1857) Mary Catherine Yorke (1837 - 1890)

Cravent (de)

1 — AlbertAlberède d'Ivry, comtesse d'Ivry

2 — JeanneJean d'Eschelles, écuyer, seigneur de Mormagnes