Wessex (de)
Wessex (de)
of Wessex
of Wessex
1 — Ælfgifu
2 — Ælfgifu (Elgiva or Alfgifu) (c. 995 - ) ✕ Uchtred of Bamburgh (Uhtred), alias Uchtred the Bold ( - 1016), Earl of Northumbria
3 — Ælfred, alias Alfred the Great (c. 849 - 899), King of Wessex ✕ (868) Ealhswith Mucel (c. 852 - 902)
4 — Ælfthryth (874 - 933) ✕ (884) Baudouin de Flandre, alias Baudouin II de Flandre (867 - 918), comte de Flandre
5 — Ælfweard ( - 924), King of Wesssex
6 — Ælfwine ( - 937)
7 — Æthelbald (c. 835 - 860), King of Wessex ✕ Judith (Carolingiens) (843 - 870)
8 — Æthelberht (bef. 854 - 865), King of Wessex
9 — Æthelflaed (c. 870 - 918), Lady of Mercia ✕ Æthelred of Mercia ( - 911), Lord of Mercia
10 — Æthelflaeda (c. 910 - c. 950) ✕ Aubri d'Orléans (c. 885 - c. 950), duc d'Orleans
11 — Æthelgifu, abbess of
12 — Æthelhelm ( - bef. 899)
13 — Æthelhild
14 — Æthelred, alias Æthelred the Unready (c. 968 - 1016), King of England ✕ (985) Elfgiva N (965 - 1002) ✕ (1002) Emma de Normandie (c. 985 - 1052)
15 — Æthelred, alias Æthelred Ist (aft. 841 - aft. 871), King of Wessex ✕ Wulfthryth N
16 — Æthelstan ( - c. 851), King of Kent
17 — Æthelstan (bef. 993 - 1014)
18 — Æthelswith ( - 888) ✕ (853) Burgred of Mercia ( - aft. 874), King of Mercia
19 — Æthelweard ( - c. 921) ✕ N N
20 — Æthelwine ( - 937)
21 — Æthelwold ( - c. 902), pretender to the Throne of Wessex
22 — Æthelwulf (bef. 825 - 858), King of Wessex ✕ Osburh of Wight (810 - 876) ✕ (856) Judith (Carolingiens) (843 - 870)
23 — Alfred ( - 1036)
24 — Athelstan (894 - 939), King of England
25 — Christine (1050 - 1090), nun
26 — Eadburh ( - 960), nun at Nunnaminster of
27 — Eadgifu
28 — Eadgyth ✕ Sygtryggr Uí Ímhair (Sihtric) ( - 927), King of Jórvík
29 — Eadhild (908 - 937) ✕ (926) Hugues (Robertiens), alias le Grand (c. 898 - 956), duc des Francs
30 — Eadred ( - bef. 1013)
31 — Eadred (c. 923 - 955), King of England
32 — Eadwig (c. 941 - 959), King of England ✕ Ælfgifu N ( - aft. 966)
33 — Eadwig (Eadwig Ætheling) (bef. 997 - 1017)
34 — Ecgberht ( - c. 1005)
35 — Ecgbert ( - 839), King of Wessex ✕ Redburgue de Francie
36 — Edgar ( - c. 1008)
37 — Edgar, alias Edgar Pacificus (c. 944 - 975), King of England ✕ Wulfthryth N ( - c. 1000), abbess of
38 — Edgar (Edgar Ætheling), alias Edgar Atheling (c. 1051 - 1125)
39 — Edith ✕ (1045) Edward of Wessex, alias Édouard le Confesseur (c. 1004 - 1066), King of England
40 — Edith (910 - 946) ✕ (929) Otto (Liudolfinger), alias Othon Ier du Saint-Empire (912 - 973), empereur des Romains
41 — Edith, alias Edith of Wilton (c. 961 - ), nun at
42 — Edith (Ealdgyth) ✕ Eadric N, alias Eadric Streona ( - 1017)
43 — Edmond (c. 965 - )
44 — Edmond ( - aft. 1069)
45 — Edmond, alias Edmond Ist of England (c. 921 - 946), King of England ✕ Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury, alias Saint Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury ( - 944)
46 — Edmund (c. 1006 - bef. 1057)
47 — Edmund, alias Edmund II (988 - 1016), King of England ✕ (1014) Ealdgyth N (1001 - 1068)
48 — Edouard, alias Edward the Martyr (c. 962 - 978), King of England
49 — Edward, alias Édouard le Confesseur (c. 1004 - 1066), King of England ✕ (1045) Edith of Wessex
50 — Edward, alias Edward Ist of Wessex (871 - 924), King of Wessex ✕ Ecgwynn N ✕ Ælfflæd de Bernicie (875 - 927) ✕ Eadgifu N (c. 900 - 968)
51 — Edward (Edouard Aethling), alias Edouard l'Exilé (1016 - 1057) ✕ Agatha N (Agathe Billungen) (c. 1022 - 1058)
52 — Edwige, alias Eadgifu de Wessex (905 - 951) ✕ (919) Charles (Carolingiens), alias Charles III (879 - 929), roi des Francs ✕ Herbert de Vermandois, alias Herbert III d'Omois (927 - 982)
53 — Edwin ( - 933)
54 — Godgifu (aft. 1002 - c. 1047) ✕ Dreux de Valois, alias Dreux de vexin (c. 996 - 1035), comte de Valois ✕ Eustache II de Boulogne, alias Eustache aux Gernons ( - 1087), comte de Boulogne
55 — Godwin (1001 - 1053), Earl of Wessex ✕ (1019) Gytha Thorkelsdóttir (1000 - 1069)
56 — Godwyn ( - aft. 1069)
57 — Harold (1066 - aft. 1098)
58 — Harold, alias Harold Godwinson (1022 - 1066), King of England ✕ Ealdgyth Swannesha
59 — Magnus ( - 1069)
60 — Margaret, alias Saint Margaret of Scotland (1045 - 1093) ✕ (1070) Malcolm de Dunkeld, alias Malcolm Canmore (1031 - 1093), King of Scots
61 — N, abbess of
62 — Sven ( - 1052)
63 — Tostig (c. 1026 - 1066), Earl of Northumbria ✕ (1058) Judith de Flandre (1033 - 1094)
64 — Ulf ( - aft. 1087)
65 — Wulfhilda ✕ Ulfcytel N ( - 1016), governor of East-Anglia
Wessex (de)
1 — Ealhmund, King of Kent ✕ N N
2 — Édouard (1016 - 1057) ✕ Agathe Billungen de Frise
4 — Gytha ✕ Vladimir (Rurikides), alias Vladimir II Monomaque (1053 - 1125), Grand-prince de Kiev