- Born on March 29, 1694 in Château-la-Vallière
- Baptized the same day in this municipality
- Deceased on April 25, 1754 in this municipality, at the age of 60 years
- Burial the same day in this municipality
- Married on June 16, 1716 in Château-la-Vallière, with François Barbet (c. 1686 - 1729), marchand de vins, hôtelier
- Married on November 22, 1729 in Château-la-Vallière, with Étienne David (1703 - ), garde forestier
- Married on February 4, 1738 in Château-la-Vallière, with Pierre Tachereau (c. 1698 - aft. 1754), boucher
- Married with Charles Verdelet, ouvrier en verrerie