Portrait of Henry de Nogaret (1591 - 1639)

Henry de Nogaret

1er duc de Candale (1621 - 1639)
duc d'Halluin (1611 - 1639)
comte d'Astarac (1593 - 1639)
7e comte de Candale (1593 - 1621)
Family Coat of Arms de Nogaret de La Valette
  • Born in 1591
  • Deceased on February 11, 1639, at the approximate age of 47 years



  • Married in February 1611, with Anne van Halewijn (c. 1593 - 1641), duchesse d'Halluin, divorced, without issue.



  • most noble order of the Garter
  • chevalier de l'ordre de Saint-Michel
  • chevalier de l'ordre du Saint-Esprit