- Born on September 3, 1787 in Paris
- Baptized on September 14, 1787 in this municipality
- Deceased on January 30, 1868 in this municipality, at the age of 80 years
- Burial in this municipality
- Married on January 15, 1805, with Jean-Honoré Revel (1773 - 1835), divorced
- Relationship with Napoléon Bonaparte, alias Napoléon Ier (1769 - 1821), empereur des Français, premier consul de la République française, issuing
- Married on February 4, 1808 in Paris, with Pierre-Philippe Augier de La Sauzaye ( - c. 1812), lieutenant d'infanterie de ligne
- Married on May 23, 1814, with Charles-Auguste de Luxbourg ( - 1849)
- Relationship with Joachim Ier Murat (1767 - 1815), roi de Naples, amiral de l'Empire français, maréchal d'Empire
- lectrice de la princesse Caroline