- Born on October 20, 1780 in Ajaccio
- Deceased on June 9, 1825 in Florence, at the age of 44 years
- Burial in Rome
- Married on June 14, 1797 in Milan, with Emmanuel Leclerc (1772 - 1802), sieur de Montgobert, général de division, général de brigade, issuing
- Married on November 6, 1803 in Mortefontaine, with Camillo Borghese (1775 - 1832), principe di Sulmona, général de division de cavalerie
- Relationship with Jules de Canouville (1785 - 1812), aide de camp de Berthier, capitaine
- Relationship with Jean Joseph Amable Humbert (1767 - 1823), général de division français et américain, marchand de peaux de lapins
- Relationship with Joseph Talma, Talma (1763 - 1826), comédien