Portrait of Philippe IV d'Espagne (1605 - 1665)

Felipe von Habsburg

Philippe IV d'Espagne

Felipe IV de España

Philippe IX de Bourgogne

rey de España (1621 - 1665)
21o rei de Portugal (1621 - 1640)
re di Napoli, di Sardegna e di Sicilia
príncipe de Asturias
prins der Nederlanden
duca di Milano
duc de Bourgogne (1621 - 1665)
34e comte palatin de Bourgogne (1621 - 1665)
Erzherzog von Österreich
Signature of Philippe IV d'Espagne (1605 - 1665)
Family Coat of Arms von Habsburg
  • Born on April 8, 1605 in Valladolid
  • Baptized in April 1605 in this municipality
  • Deceased on September 17, 1665 in Madrid, at the age of 60 years
  • Burial in September 1665

