Portrait of Julie de Chateaubriand (1763 - 1799)

Julie de Chateaubriand

Julie Marie Agathe
Family Coat of Arms de Chateaubriand olim Chateaubriant
Mon sang a teint les bannières de France
  • Born on September 2, 1763 in Saint-Malo
  • Deceased on July 25, 1799 in Rennes, at the age of 35 years



  • Married on April 23, 1782 in Fougères, with Annibal de Farcy, alias le Comte de Farcy (1749 - 1825), chevalier, seigneur de Montavallon, capitaine au Régiment de Condé, lieutenant-colonel, issuing


  • prisonnière durant la Terreur