
Nom de famille "Aubar"


1 — Catherine (Séraphie Marie Louise Catherine) (1868 - ) ✕ (1888) Étienne de La Borie de Campagne, alias le Marquis de Campagne (1857 - ), conseiller général de la Vienne pour le canton de Vouneuil-sur-Vienne

2 — Pierre Charles (1820 - ) ✕ (1869) Catherine Alphonsine de La Ville (1835 - )

3 — Thérèse (Louise Thérèse) (1815 - 1892) ✕ (1837) Alphonse de Coux (Henri César Alphonse) (1808 - 1868), marquis de Coux


1 — Privé

2 — Privé

3 — Privé ✕ Privé

4 — Privé

Aubard Daubard (d')

1 — LéonardeJean Baptiste Farge de Siryeix (1679 - 1737), marguillier de l'église paroissial de Viam en 1717


1 — Séverin Fidélie (1812 - 1848) ✕ (1841) Catherine Desmaret (Marie Catherine) (1812 - 1893), ménagère


1 — Albina Jane (1788 - 1867) ✕ Sir Augustus John Foster (1780 - 1848), Baronet Foster of Glyde Court

2 — Privé ✕ Privé

3 — Privé

4 — Privé ✕ Privé

5 — Elizabeth (1608 - 1633) ✕ John Lisle ( - 1664), Lord Lisle

6 — Fanny (1831 - 1898) ✕ (1863) Charles Wesley Thurber (1833 - 1910)

7 — George (1731 - 1804), Earl of Buckinghamshire, member of parliament ✕ Albinia Bertie (ca 1737 - 1816)

8 — Privé

9 — George Vere (1761 - 1802), lieutenant Governor of Grenada ✕ Jane Cataneo

10 — GriseldaJohn Seymour (1728 - 1795)

11 — Henrietta (1689 - 1767) ✕ Charles Howard (1685 - 1733), Earl of Suffolk, member of parliament

12 — Henriette (1762 - 1805) ✕ (1793) William Kerr (1763 - 1824)

13 — Henry Lewis (1774 - 1846) ✕ Charlotte Selina Moore

14 — Privé

15 — Privé

16 — Privé ✕ Privé

17 — Privé

18 — Robert Hampden (1915 - 1988), Baronet Hobart ✕ (1942) Sylvia Laughton Argo ( - 1965) ✕ (1975) Caroline Fleur Vatcher ( - 2005)

19 — Privé ✕ Privé

20 — Robert Henry (1836 - 1928), Baronet Hobart ✕ (1869) Julia Trollope ( - 1931)

21 — Sir Henry, Baronet Hobart of Intwood, member of parliament, vice-admiral of Norfolk ✕ Elizabeth Maynard

22 — Sir Henry (1563 - 1625), Baronet Hobart of Intwood, chief justice of the Common Pleas, attorney general for England and Wales ✕ (1590) Dorothy Bell (1572 - 1641)

23 — Sir John (1593 - 1647), Baronet Hobart of Intwood, member of parliament ✕ Philippa SidneyFrances Egerton

24 — Sir John (1693 - 1756), Earl of Buckinghamshire, member of parliament, vice-admiral of Norfolk ✕ Elizabeth Bristow

25 — Sir John (1628 - 1683), Baronet Hobart of Intwood, member of parliament ✕ Mary Hampden

26 — Sir MilesFrances Peyton

27 — Privé

28 — Vere (1870 - 1949), Baronet Hobart ✕ (1900) Violet Verve

L'Hobard (de)

1 — MargueriteFrançois Génébrias, sieur de La Vallade, marchand tanneur et corroyeur de Bellac