Nom de famille "Buxton"


1 — Anthony (1881 - 1970) ✕ (1926) Mary Philomena Constable-Maxwell (1893 - 1953)

2 — Aubrey Leland Oakes (1922 - 1983), Baron Buxton of Alsa and of Stiffkey, major, high Sheriff of Essex ✕ (1946) Pamela Mary Birkin (1922 - 1983)

3 — Blanche Emily (1891 - )

4 — Privé ✕ Privé

5 — Privé ✕ Privé

6 — Privé

7 — Doreen (Doreen Maria Josepha Sydney) (1897 - 1923) ✕ (1918) Charles FitzRoy (Charles Alfred Euston) (1892 - 1970), Duke of Grafton

8 — Edith Frances (1867 - 1930) ✕ (1888) Walter George Hepburne-Scott (1864 - 1944), Lord Polwarth

9 — Privé ✕ Privé

10 — Edward North (1894 - 1957) ✕ (1924) Sibyl O'Neill (1902 - 1946)

11 — Edward North (1840 - 1924) ✕ Emily Digby (1841 - 1929)

12 — Privé ✕ Michael Walter Bonn (1927 - 1997)

13 — Gerald (1862 - 1928) ✕ (1890) Lucy Ethel Pease ( - 1940)

14 — Gerard St. John Roden (1927 - 2008) ✕ Privé

15 — Privé ✕ Privé

16 — Privé

17 — Privé ✕ Privé

18 — Privé ✕ Daphne Warner (1929 - 2011)

19 — Privé ✕ Clive Ernest Arkle ( - 1991)

20 — Privé

21 — Phyllis Sydney (1888 - 1942) ✕ (1918) Maurice George Ponsonby (1880 - 1943)

22 — Rebekah Mary (1900 - )

23 — Samuel Luckyn (1914 - 1944), major ✕ (1941) Pamela Mary Birkin (1922 - 1983)

24 — Sydney (Sydney Charles) (1853 - 1934), Earl Buxton, member of parliament, privy counsellor ✕ Mildred Smith (Mildred Anne)

25 — Privé