1 — Alice (1884 - 1980) ✕ Nicholas Longworth (1869 - 1931)
2 — Anna (Anna Eleanor) (1906 - 1975)
3 — Archibald (1894 - 1979)
4 — Privé
5 — Eleanor (1884 - 1962) ✕ (1905) Franklin Roosevelt (Franklin Delano) (1882 - 1945), president of the United States, governor of New York
6 — Elliott (1910 - 1990)
7 — Elliott (1859 - 1894) ✕ (1883) Anna Hall (1863 - 1892)
8 — Ethel (1891 - 1977) ✕ (1913) Richard Derby
9 — Franklin (Franklin Delano) (1882 - 1945), president of the United States, governor of New York ✕ (1905) Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962)
10 — Privé
11 — Franklin (Franklin Delano Junior) (1914 - 1988) ✕ (1937) Ethel du Pont (1916 - 1965)
12 — Isaac (Isaac Daniel) (1790 - 1863) ✕ Mary Aspinwall (Mary Rebecca) (1809 - 1886)
13 — Jacobus (1760 - 1847) ✕ Maria Eliza Walton (1769 - 1810)
14 — James (1907 - 1991)
15 — James (1854 - 1927) ✕ (1878) Helen Astor (Helen Schermerhorn) (1858 - 1893)
16 — James (1828 - 1900), homme d'affaires ✕ (1880) Sarah Delano (Sarah Ann) (1854 - 1941)
17 — John (John Aspinwall) (1916 - 1981)
18 — Kermit (1889 - 1943), explorateur, soldat
19 — Oliver Wolcott (1890 - 1953) ✕ Grace Temple (Grace Roosevelt) (1894 - 1977)
20 — Quentin (1897 - 1918), militaire
21 — Theodore (1858 - 1919), president of the United States, vice president of the United States ✕ (1880) Alice Hathaway (1861 - 1884) ✕ (1886) Edith Kermit Carow (1861 - 1948)
22 — Theodore (1831 - 1879), philanthrope ✕ (1853) Martha Bulloch (1834 - 1884)
23 — Théodore Jr (1887 - 1944), homme d'affaires et militaire américain
24 — Privé